'Xi thinks China will win the U.S.-China competition in the long run.'
That is a conclusion I drew from a seminar of the Foreign Policy Center (FPC) held on February 6, 2019 in Tokyo. The speaker of the day was Mr. Daisuke Kondo, an expert of China.
Since last year of 2018, U.S.-China Trade war was declared. Some said it is a new cold war.
So far, Trump administration looks stronger than Xi's Communist Party.
But if the competition lasts long enough, President Xi thinks China will lead the world.
China could cede to the U.S. in the field of trade, but never in the field of security or souvereignty.
The representative of the Xi Communist Party promised President Trump that it will buy tons of soy beans from the U.S. However China continues to militarize the South China Sea and to try to annex Taiwan. China is trying to take over the Senkaku islands, if there is a vacuum of power.
About the Huawei, Xi thinks China can negotiate with President Trump, even put all the responsibility on the CFO.
China continues to explore the space including the moon and the Mars, and it has the largest cyber offensive power. Xi has been involved in the PLA (People's Liberation Army) since he was 26 years old, so he knows how to control it.
The U. S. should face a tough negotiator for maybe more than a decade.
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